Someone asked me the other day, if my craft making is full, or part time. It got me thinking about how much of my time it does actually take. I was staggered, and realised I hadn't had a day off for over 7 I would say its very FULL time! Here is a rough breakdown of what is involved, from making the products, promoting them, booking shows and networking. It is a really hectic schedule, as you can see.
*12-15 hours a day making
*2 hours a day on social media, Etsy and Facebook networking (I tend to comment as much as

possible on crafty Facebook pages, where I always include a photo of one of my pieces relevant to the theme of the post, or a link to my own page).
*A day a week on the computer, printing information cards, signage, stationary (I print everything myself with the help of Photoshop!) and postage labels/compliment slips.
*Three times a week I research on Pinterest for a few hours.
*Even when gardening, I am considering colour palettes, looking at composition and form of my plants, recording anything I discover in a note book or my bullet journal.
I knew that in the beginning it was bound to be busier, as not only does a stock pile need making, but postage and stall features need sorting and building too. However, as time has gone by, I find that I have no extra time, as I spend any spare time networking and promoting Cat's Punky Stuff! If 17 hours a day isn't dedication, I don't know what is!
Anything less, is not 100% commitment!